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Latest Releases
OpenCell 0.1rc2
A second release candidate of PCEnv, which fixes performance issues (as well as an issue with updating the user interface).
CellML DOM API: Core implementation 1.0rc2
A release candidate of the CellML API which fixes performance issues in the first release candidate.
XPCellML_API 1.0rc1
A release candidate of XPCellML API, designed to be compatible with the planned CellML API version 1.0.
CellML DOM API: Core implementation 1.0rc1
A release candidate for a major release which fixes a number of bugs, adds optional CORBA support, adds optional services such as the CellML Context, Code Generation Service and CellML Integration Service.
OpenCell 0.1rc1
This release candidate is for PCEnv 0.1. PCEnv 0.1 will be the first release of PCEnv, and supports model integration, but only limited editing capabilities.
mozCellML 0.3.1
mozCellML 0.3.1 is a bugfix release following 0.3. It allows support with Firefox and all later 1.5.0 series Firefoxes.
CellML DOM API: Core implementation 0.1
The initial release.
mozCellML 0.3
mozCellML 0.3rc3 with minor changes released as a stable release
mozCellML 0.3rc3
A bugfix release on top of mozCellML 0.3rc2.
mozCellML 0.3rc2
This release updates 0.3rc1, fixing a number of bugs and adding some new features.