Modified items

Andre's Test CellML Centre
CellML Repository Observations
Some notes I've made on what I saw on/from/about the current state of the Physiome CellML Repository.
The presentation files for talks given at the 2007 workshop.
CellML Metadata Library Observations
Some notes and observations of the CellML Metadata Library I have taken as I am working on/with it along with the model repository. Hopefully this will be quickly outdated.
CellML Repository Upload Workflow (proposed)
Proposed workflow for the uploading of models into the new repository.
CellML Workshop 2007 - Announcement
Model Sharing Tutorial
A page of links for use in the model sharing tutorial
Meeting Minutes 28 March 2007
Meeting Minutes 28 March 2007
Meeting Minutes 21 March 2007
Meeting Minutes 21 March 2007
CellML 1.1 XML Schema
Proposal: Best current practice for including external code in CellML models
Note: This document is a proposal. The below describes the intended status: A document describing the best current practices for including external code in CellML models.
Meeting Minutes 12 March 2007
Meeting Minutes 12 March 2007
Meeting Minutes 5 March 2007
Meeting Minutes 5 March 2007
CellML Metadata
Meeting Minutes 26 February 2007
Meeting Minutes 26 February 2007
Meeting Minutes 22 January 2007
Meeting Minutes 22 January 2007