Modified items

ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-04-23
ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-04-23
ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-03-19
ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-04-16
ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-04-09
ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-04-02
Guyton Code
CellML1.1 and CellML1.0 code to simulate the Guyton 92 model (based on the program CMODSIM by Professor Montani). Please note, this code has not been validated, and contains systems of simultaneous algebraic equations and thus cannot be run in its entirety yet.
Cooling et al. (2008) Modeling Biological Modularity with CellML
IET Systems Biology publication cellml code.
Meeting Minutes 2008-03-12
Thoughts on the typing system
Adding a good typing system could substantially increase the usefulness of CellML 1.2 over CellML 1.1, but there are lots of design decisions to be made. This document is a way to collect some thoughts on how this should be done.
ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-02-20
ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-02-27
ABI Meeting Minutes 2008-03-05
Randall's Landfill Repository Instance Sessions
Session files go here
A mapping between CellML 1.1 and a draft of CellML 1.2
OpenCell 0.3.1
PCenv 0.3.1 is a maintainance patch of PCEnv 0.3. It is primarily aimed at UCS-4 platforms, such as Linux. It fixes Unicode support and piecewise equations.
CellML DOM API: Core implementation 1.3.1
This is a patch of version 1.3; it fixes Unicode support for UCS-4 platforms, and support for all cases of piecewise equations.
CellML DOM API source code zip file
CellML DOM API source code tarball