Modified items

Request for model translations into CellML
A call to the modelling community to see if there are any models, which you would like to see translated into CellML by the CellML curation team.
Request for details of CellML-related publications
Invitation to add publications to the publications index: papers that discuss CellML or use it as a primary technology are requested.
Friendfeed for CellML SBGN SBO BioPAX MIASE Workshop
A friendfeed room for the CellML SBGN SBO BioPAX MIASE Workshop (5th-9th April) has been created.
IUPS2009 CellML workshop announcement
The IUPS2009 meeting will take place in Kyoto from 28th July until August 1st, 2009.
mozCellML Site
The toplevel of the mozCellML specific pages
Repository Info
Meeting Minutes
The minutes for the weekly ABI CellML team meeting
Curating models in the CellML model repository
Get involved
Validation tools
ABI CellML Meeting minutes 2009-07-01
Translating a mathematical model into CellML
ABI CellML Meeting minutes 2009-06-24
Scientific programme
Featured articles
A collection of featured articles.
Terms of use
CellML scope
A description of the scope of the CellML language
ABI CellML Meeting minutes 2009-06-17
Modelling in CellML with COR