Modified items

Current development
Development of CellML and CellML related projects
CellML Umbrella Specification 1.0
CellML Umbrella 1.0 Specification
CellML Umbrella Specification Version 1.0
Custom Subset Metadata
A specification for metadata for describing customised subsets of CellML elements intended for convenient viewing and editing.
Custom Subset Metadata
Custom Subset Metadata is used to exchange information about which subsets of the model a user would like to view at the same time. Tools can use custom subset to define what parts of a model that they need to change often. This information can be saved and interchanged in models, or in separate files. Tools can then use this information to create convenient views which only show the parts of the model that the user wants to see.
Documented examples demonstrating the use of CellML graphing metadata
CellML Graph Metadata Specification - 01
A specification for metadata describing how to draw graphs.
CellML Graph Metadata Specification - original
A specification for metadata describing how to draw graphs.
CellML Metadata 1.0 Specification
CellML Metadata 1.0 Specification Draft
Differences between the 1.0 and 1.1 CellML specifications
CellML 1.0
Errata to the CellML 1.1 specification
Content migrated over from the original ZWiki product.
Simulations and sessions in OpenCell
Resources for CellML SBGN SBO BioPAX MIASE Workshop 2009
A (by no means comprehensive) list of useful resources related to the workshop program
Workshop 2008 Scientific Programme Available
The scientific programme for the CellML Workshop 2008 is now available.