Modified items

ABI CellML Meeting Minutes, 4th of May, 2011
CellML API binaries for Windows (32 bit), MSVC9
CellML DOM API: Core implementation 1.9rc2 (Release candidate)
As with release candidate 1, but with corrections to the binary build process
CellML API binaries for Mac OS X - x86
CellML API binaries for Linux-x86
CellML API Source Tarball
ABI CellML Meeting Minutes, 27th of April, 2011
Agenda - Auckland CellML weekly team meeting - 20110504
CellML API binaries for Windows (32 bit), MSVC9
CellML API Source Tarball
CellML API binaries for Mac OS X - x86
CellML API binaries for Linux-x86
CellML DOM API: Core implementation 1.9rc1 (Release candidate)
This release provides a number of bug fixes, as well as some important new features: * passthrough support added to CIS, making it easier for tools to embed code in expressions (for example, as a first stage in transforming a model). * A new optional extension service called TeLICeMS has been implemented, allowing CellML models to to be converted to a text-based representation, and vice versa. * A new optional extension service for working with SED-ML has been added; so far, only SED-OM manipulation is supported (no ability to actually run simulations yet, only to manipulate descriptions of them). * Better Python and Java binding support. * Support for building an 'SDK' - a collection of all the needed files. These are now shipped with releases.
ABI CellML Meeting Minutes, 20th of April, 2011
Agenda - Auckland CellML weekly team meeting - 20110427
Agenda - Auckland CellML weekly team meeting - 20110420
ABI CellML Meeting Minutes, 13th of April, 2011
CellML publications listing
A list of peer-reviewed publications which relate to CellML.
ABI CellML Meeting Minutes, 6th of April, 2011