systems we think we need
- repository
- to store lots of models
- to access the models
- do human and machine based searches
- to help developers hook into libraries
- online publication community
- validators
- validate the syntax and semantics of models levels such as :
- CellML 1.1
- Biological and mathematical
- intention of the source of the model - e.g. a publication
- output of the model in simulation
- against experimental data
- validate the syntax and semantics of models levels such as :
- ontologies
- typing
- validation
- meaning
- libraries
- repositories
- typing
- APIs
- interfaces to CellML 1.1 level
- includes MathML API
- interfaces to Ontological level
- includes the MathML API interface to semantic extensions of MathML constructs - i.e. tying the math to our ontologies
- code generation for simulation
- interfaces to CellML 1.1 level
- Editors
- Java based editor, includes MathML editor
- Mozilla based version of the same thing
- focus on the underlying APIs for working with CellML data, for example remote repositories, collaboration, annotation
- integrating 3D visualization environments
- integrating Simulation environments
- Simulation tools
- Code generators for simulation
- GUI interfaces
- Web tools
- Conversion tools
- version changes in models - e.g. CellMl 1.0 with reactions to CellML 1.1 without.
- SBML to CellML