How to load and solve CellML models

CellML models can be loaded into, manipulated and solved in a number of software tools. A listing of these tools can be found at

Of these tools, two packages - PCEnv (Physiome CellML Environment) and COR (Cellular Open Resource) provide a complete CellML-native environment for editing, solving and visualising the output of CellML models. JSim also provides similar capabilities but CellML models must be translated into JSim's own format.

Working with CellML models in PCEnv:

To solve a model in PCEnv, the software must be downloaded and and installed on your machine. Please visit to obtain PCEnv. Please note that PCEnv can be run on Microsoft Windows XP/Vista, Linux or MacOS.

Having installed PCEnv, click the 'PCEnv' link within the 'Solve model in' box.

If using the Firefox browser, a 'What should Firefox do with this file' dialog box should come up. Select 'Open with', browse for the pcenv executable, and select 'OK'. PCEnv should launch with the model loaded within it.

If using Microsoft Internet Explorer, save the file to your computer by clicking the 'Download Model' link, launch PCEnv and open the file from within the tool.

Working with CellML models in COR:

To solve a model in COR, the software must be downloaded and and installed on your machine. Please visit to obtain COR. Please note COR is a Microsoft Windows program.

Having installed COR, click the 'COR' link within the 'Solve model in:' box.

If using the Firefox browser, a 'What should Firefox do with this file' dialog box should come up. Select 'Open with', browse for the COR executable, and select 'OK'. COR should launch with the model loaded within it.

If using Microsoft Internet Explorer, save the file to your computer by clicking the 'Download Model' link, launch COR and open the file from within the tool.

Working with CellML models in JSim:

JSim can be downloaded from and is able to be run on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000 and XP. CellML models must be downloaded, then imported into JSim. Further information for using JSim for working with CellML models can be found at