Get involved

The CellML project is built by an open, democratic community on an open source / free ethic. Any and all contributions are welcome, and we encourage you to get involved. 

Join the cellml-discussion mailing list

The cellml-discussion mailing list is the place for discussion of all things CellML. This includes modelling best practice, suggestions for improvements to the language, discussion of tools and software, the website, and the CellML Model Repository.

Raise an issue on the CellML Tracker

The CellML Tracker is more technical in nature than the cellml-discussion mailing list. Members of the community may raise a specific issue and discuss it with the specific people who can help them out. If you find a bug in some CellML software, or would like to suggest a particular feature, this is the place to go.

Email the webmaster

If you have any comments about the website itself, please address them to the webmaster.

Contact CellML Project Team members

Finally, if you have a specific query such as a model curation inquiry, you may want to contact members of the CellML Project Team directly.