- Info
Agenda - Auckland CellML weekly team meeting - 20100811
- (Catherine) Licence terms - how do we plan to handle 1.1 model building? For example, if I am creating a large heart cell model made up of 20 smaller models do I have to cite each of them individually? Or at this point is the model sufficiently different that I can just licence it as one new model?
- (Alan) COR view in OpenCell - is this going to be fully tested and made available in 0.8 or not?
- Repository contributions - update
- PMR2 development - update
- CellML API - update
- OpenCell development
- CellML core specs - update
- CellML 1.2
- ModML
- Metadata specifications (general, citations, graphing, simulation, other) - update
- Time permitting: Updates or additional items from volunteering attendees