
A listing of attendees at the 11th International CellML Workshop.

The following lists delegates registered to attend the CellML workshop. Italics* indicates the attendee will be participating virtually.

Name Affiliation
David Nickerson Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Hugh Sorby Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Renfei Ma Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Dewan Mahabub Sarwar Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Soroush Safaei Auckland Bioengineering
Koray Atalag ABI
Alys Clark ABI
Alan Garny ABI
martin scharm* university of rostock
Tommy Yu Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Alison Schroeder ABI
Gary Mirams* University of Nottingham
Michael Clerx* Maastricht University
Nima Afshar ABI
David Brooks Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Poul Nielsen Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Richard Christie ABI
Vijay Rajagopal* University of Melbourne
Aroli Marcellinus Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Alan Wu ABI
Peter Hunter Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Dagmar Waltemath*
Kenneth Tran Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Jagir Hussan Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Finbar Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Edmund Crampin University of Melbourne
Roxana Aldea University of Southampton, UK