10th International CellML Workshop and HARMONY 2016
The workshop was held at the Auckland Rose Park Hotel, in Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand.
The workshop program is available, and the preliminary schedule for HARMONY is also available.
The combined HARMONY 2016 and 10th Annual International CellML Workshop was held at the Auckland Rose Park Hotel, in Auckland, New Zealand from June 7 – 11 2016. The first day of the workshop was the official “CellML Workshop”, attracting 36 attendees from Germany, France, The Netherlands, USA, Australia, and New Zealand for a full day of stimulating presentations, finishing off with a poster session and reception. Talks covered the range of COMBINE standardisation efforts, various software tools, the Physiome Model Repository, and some sneak peaks at upcoming developments in modularity, annotation, and fundamental theory. The presentations finished with an invited lecture from Dr Alys Clark presenting some real-world challenges for the standards community from her placental modelling research.
Following on from the CellML Workshop, the Hackathon on Resources for Modelling in Biology (HARMONY) continued for the remainder of the week. In the manner of these kinds of hackathons, the days consisted of the attendees splitting into several breakout sessions to dive deep into version specific details of the format specifications or software implementations. Breakouts were primarily based on the CellML, SBML, SED-ML, and SBGN formats but lively discussion often pulled in other formats and relevant tools and repositories. Throughout the hackathon and despite the cruel time differences, further attendees from the US and UK managed to get involved in the discussions.