7th International CellML Workshop (2013)

25 & 26 March 2013

Waiheke Island, New Zealand

You are invited to attend the 7th International CellML Workshop! The workshop will be held at the Goldie Room at Goldie Vineyard on Waiheke Island.


The 7th International CellML Workshop is jointly sponsored by the Auckland Bioengineering Instutite and the Maurice Wilkins Centre.

ABI logo   MWC logo

Workshop Programme

The workshop programme is now available, subject to change until the last minute.

Delegate Listing

The current listing of registered participants is now available.

Remote Attendance

We are intending to use Google Hangouts top broadcast the workshop over the Internet and to record the presentations. During the workshop we will endeavour to provide links to the hangouts for each session on this page, which will also provide access to the recordings as they become available.


Registration for the workshop is now open. As we are getting close to the workshop, please register by contacting the organiser directly. Registration for the workshop is free and includes return Auckland to Waiheke ferry transport and transport from the Waiheke ferry terminal to and from the workshop venue.


Visitors to Auckland are able to take advantage of discounted University of Auckland hotel rates when coming to Auckland for the CellML Workshop. In order to book with the special rates, the APX booking request form needs to be completed and submitted directly to APX. Please feel free to contact APX directly with any enquires. The hotels available include:

Here is a Google map showing where the hotels are located in relation to the Auckland Bioengineering Institute and also the Auckland Ferry Terminal.


David Nickerson is organising the workshop and should be contacted with any queries.