Announcing the annual CellML workshop
The University of Auckland 
24th-26th February 2010
The annual CellML workshop in 2010 will be held at The University of Auckland from Wednesday 24th - Friday 26th February.
These meetings aim to bring together the growing community of CellML developers and users to discuss recent developments and future plans. They also provide an opportunity to update the community on ideas which were discussed at the last combined workshop in April 2009.
The full programme has been confirmed and there will be a series of short presentations followed by time for group discussion.
Remote attendance at the workshop
We have set up a virtual meeting room on Evo to allow people to remotely attend the hackathon and workshop. If you are interested in joining us please register for Evo (for free) and search for the meetings called CellML Hackathon and CellML Workshop. Please email Catherine for the passwords.