Announcing the combined CellML SBGN SBO BioPAX MIASE Workshop 2009
The first announcement for the CellML-SBGN-SBO-BioPAX-MIASE Workshop 2009.
Sunday 5th April - Thursday 9th April 2009
Following on from the success of the CellML Workshops in 2007 and 2008 we will be hosting another workshop in 2009 - this

We believe this will be an excellent opportunity to bring together the various growing communities to discuss recent developments and future plans.
Dates and Location
This meeting will be held over 5 days, 5th-9th April 2009, on Waiheke Island - just a 40 minute ferry ride from downtown Auckland.Transport from Auckland Airport to the conference centre is reasonably simple. There are taxis (~NZ$60), shuttle buses (~NZ$30), and the airport bus (which runs every 15 min NZ$15 single or NZ$22 return). Ask for the downtown ferry building.

Ferries to Waiheke run roughly every hour on the hour. Ferry tickets will be provided. To get from the Waiheke Wharf to the Conference Centre there are buses that meet the ferry (destination Palm Beach, ask the driver exactly where to get off for the Waiheke Island Resort), and also taxis and shuttle buses.
Four (or five if you are travelling from overseas) nights accommodation and all meals will be provided.
There will be a conference dinner at Te Whau restaurant on the Wednesday night.
Registration for this workshop is now closed.
The programme has now been confirmed.Resources
A list of resources and links relevant to the workshop program can be found here.Organisers
The workshop is being jointly organised by Poul Nielsen, Peter Hunter, Catherine Lloyd (Auckland Bioengineering Institute, The University of Auckland), Nicolas Le Novère (EMBL-EBI) and Michael Hucka (Caltech).Sponsors
The workshop is being sponsored by the Auckland Bioengineering Institute, the Maurice Wilkins Centre, the Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence, IBM, and the NIH.