CellML Workshop 2007 - Announcement
4 - 5 April, Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Bringing together CellML developers and users
CellML is a rich and powerful method for the storage and exchange of mathematical models. CellML is primarily an XML language providing the concepts for organising and annotating mathematical equations defined using MathML. Accompanying the base XML specification there are various metadata specifications in different stages of development. The CellML 1.0 specification was published on the 10th of August 2001 with the CellML 1.1 specification following on the 28th of February 2006.
As CellML has matured an increasing community of developers has been evolving around the world keen to take advantage of the features provided by CellML. To date, most tool development has been occurring independently with each of the various tools developing separate user communities with different areas of focus. With the release of the CellML API and its complete C++ implementation, it is now seen as an ideal time to bring together interested people to discuss future developments in the CellML Project.
This workshop will provide the forum for tool developers to present their tools to their peers and potential users as well as discussing planned developments and raising any issues or suggestions for the wider CellML community to discuss. We feel this will provide invaluable feedback for tool developers, model builders, and model users and continue the development and growth of the CellML community. The workshop will also provide a platform for the initiation of planning future developments in the CellML project and discussion of CellML with regard to the various Physiome Projects around the world.
The workshop is jointly organised by David Nickerson (National University of Singapore) and Peter Hunter, Poul Nielsen & Matt Halstead (The University of Auckland).
This workshop will be hosted by the Bioengineering Institute at The University of Auckland in Auckland, New Zealand. The workshop is scheduled for the 4th and 5th of April, just before the local four day Easter Weekend.
Interested in attending this workshop? Please contact David.
The workshop programme is now available.