#6: CellML 1.1 Spec: Copy-paste error: component in second paragraph of 9.2 units

Classification: Bug
Topic: UI
Importance: Medium
Status: Pending
Assigned to:
Created by: miller
Created at: 2006-11-21
Deadline: 2006-12-05 14:43
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: Andrew Miller
#1: 2006-11-21 14:47 (miller)
topic: "" -> "UI"
title: "" -> "CellML 1.1 Spec: Copy-paste error: component in second paragraph of 9.2 units"
description: "" -> "Found by Alan Garny: Section 9.2, second paragraph: The <cellml:import> element may contain one or more <cellml:units> elements to declare the units that are being imported. ... The value of the name attribute is a unique identifier by which the component [should be units] will be referenced throughout the rest of the model. ... "

#6: CellML 1.1 Spec: Copy-paste error: component in second paragraph of 9.2 units

Classification: Bug
Topic: UI
Importance: Medium
Status: Pending
Assigned to:
Created by: miller
Created at: 2006-11-21
Deadline: 2006-12-05 14:43
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: Andrew Miller
#1: 2006-11-21 14:47 (miller)
topic: "" -> "UI"
title: "" -> "CellML 1.1 Spec: Copy-paste error: component in second paragraph of 9.2 units"
description: "" -> "Found by Alan Garny: Section 9.2, second paragraph: The <cellml:import> element may contain one or more <cellml:units> elements to declare the units that are being imported. ... The value of the name attribute is a unique identifier by which the component [should be units] will be referenced throughout the rest of the model. ... "