#49: can add imports to cellml 1.0 models

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Feature
Topic: UI
Importance: Medium
Status: Defered
Assigned to:
Created by: jlaw060
Created at: 2007-06-06
Deadline: 2007-06-06 12:38
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: James Lawson
#2: 2007-06-06 13:01 (miller)
status: "pending" -> "defered"
This would be a good feature to have, but I don't think it needs to be treated
as a bug and fixed before the release, because this is not the only way to make
an invalid CellML model in PCEnv (PCEnv doesn't attempt to prevent users from
creating invalid CellML models, because they are intermediate states to creating
valid models).
Marking as 'Defer' so I can come back to it after the release.

#1: 2007-06-06 12:41 (jlaw060)
topic: "" -> "UI"
title: "" -> "can add imports to cellml 1.0 models"
classification: "Bug" -> "Feature"
description: "" -> "Imports can be added to cellml 1.0 models. Perhaps this feature should be greyed-out and non-functional for 1.0 files."

#49: can add imports to cellml 1.0 models

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Feature
Topic: UI
Importance: Medium
Status: Defered
Assigned to:
Created by: jlaw060
Created at: 2007-06-06
Deadline: 2007-06-06 12:38
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: James Lawson
#2: 2007-06-06 13:01 (miller)
status: "pending" -> "defered"
This would be a good feature to have, but I don't think it needs to be treated
as a bug and fixed before the release, because this is not the only way to make
an invalid CellML model in PCEnv (PCEnv doesn't attempt to prevent users from
creating invalid CellML models, because they are intermediate states to creating
valid models).
Marking as 'Defer' so I can come back to it after the release.

#1: 2007-06-06 12:41 (jlaw060)
topic: "" -> "UI"
title: "" -> "can add imports to cellml 1.0 models"
classification: "Bug" -> "Feature"
description: "" -> "Imports can be added to cellml 1.0 models. Perhaps this feature should be greyed-out and non-functional for 1.0 files."