#48: new imports aren't showing up when created unless user switches to another model and back

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Bug
Topic: UI
Importance: High
Status: Resolved
Assigned to:
Created by: jlaw060
Created at: 2007-06-06
Deadline: 2007-06-06 12:28
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: James Lawson
#2: 2007-06-06 12:59 (miller)
status: "pending" -> "resolved"
Fixed in Subversion. Note that it might be worth filing another bug about the
fact that PCEnv allows you to create imports for CellML 1.0 models.

#1: 2007-06-06 12:34 (jlaw060)
topic: "" -> "UI"
importance: "medium" -> "high"
title: "" -> "new imports aren't showing up when created unless user switches to another model and back"
description: "" -> "I found this bug yesterday but when I showed Andrew it didn't happen. As a demonstration, try the following: create a new model, in either CellML 1.0 or 1.1. Create a new component, group, connection or unit. It should work. Now try to create a new import. It won't show up. Now clone the model and switch to the clone, then back. The new import will now show up. Now try to create a new component, connection, group or unit - it doesn't work now, until you switch to the clone and back. The Javascript console doesn't come up with an error, or anything for that matter."

#48: new imports aren't showing up when created unless user switches to another model and back

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Bug
Topic: UI
Importance: High
Status: Resolved
Assigned to:
Created by: jlaw060
Created at: 2007-06-06
Deadline: 2007-06-06 12:28
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: James Lawson
#2: 2007-06-06 12:59 (miller)
status: "pending" -> "resolved"
Fixed in Subversion. Note that it might be worth filing another bug about the
fact that PCEnv allows you to create imports for CellML 1.0 models.

#1: 2007-06-06 12:34 (jlaw060)
topic: "" -> "UI"
importance: "medium" -> "high"
title: "" -> "new imports aren't showing up when created unless user switches to another model and back"
description: "" -> "I found this bug yesterday but when I showed Andrew it didn't happen. As a demonstration, try the following: create a new model, in either CellML 1.0 or 1.1. Create a new component, group, connection or unit. It should work. Now try to create a new import. It won't show up. Now clone the model and switch to the clone, then back. The new import will now show up. Now try to create a new component, connection, group or unit - it doesn't work now, until you switch to the clone and back. The Javascript console doesn't come up with an error, or anything for that matter."