#46: In-house CSV viewer

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Feature
Topic: UI
Importance: Medium
Status: Defered
Assigned to:
Created by: jlaw060
Created at: 2007-06-01
Deadline: 2007-06-01 11:22
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: James Lawson
#2: 2007-06-05 14:10 (miller)
status: "pending" -> "defered"
After the release.

#1: 2007-06-01 11:28 (jlaw060)
topic: "" -> "UI"
title: "" -> "In-house CSV viewer"
classification: "Bug" -> "Feature"
description: "" -> "I think it would be useful to have an in-house CSV viewer in PCEnv like Matlab has. This would encourage users to look at the CSV data much more often, as currently the process is too labourious to view the CSV formatted data every time an integration is run. If this is fairly trivial to implement, as Randall suggested it should be, I think it would be a useful feature. "

#46: In-house CSV viewer

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Feature
Topic: UI
Importance: Medium
Status: Defered
Assigned to:
Created by: jlaw060
Created at: 2007-06-01
Deadline: 2007-06-01 11:22
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: James Lawson
#2: 2007-06-05 14:10 (miller)
status: "pending" -> "defered"
After the release.

#1: 2007-06-01 11:28 (jlaw060)
topic: "" -> "UI"
title: "" -> "In-house CSV viewer"
classification: "Bug" -> "Feature"
description: "" -> "I think it would be useful to have an in-house CSV viewer in PCEnv like Matlab has. This would encourage users to look at the CSV data much more often, as currently the process is too labourious to view the CSV formatted data every time an integration is run. If this is fairly trivial to implement, as Randall suggested it should be, I think it would be a useful feature. "