#43: Error displayed when switching to one Graph from two graphs

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Bug
Topic: UI
Importance: Medium
Status: Resolved
Assigned to:
Created by: randall
Created at: 2007-05-31
Deadline: 2007-05-31 12:34
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: Randall Britten
#4: 2007-06-06 12:35 (miller)
status: "pending" -> "resolved"
It seems to work for Randall so I have to assume that it is fixed.

#3: 2007-06-06 12:22 (miller)
It looks like a race condition where we are trying to paint the window too soon.
I have now added code to keep trying to paint the window every 500 ms until it
succeeds. It is difficult to verify that this fixes the problem due to
difficulties in reproducing this problem consistently (depends on machine speed
etc...), so I will get Randall to check on the exact same system before marking
this resolved.

#2: 2007-06-06 09:36 (randall)
Also in version: Snapshot: pcenv-installer-snap20070601

#1: 2007-05-31 12:37 (randall)
Uploaded file: pcenv_error_20070531a.png (Shows the dialogue.)
topic: "" -> "UI"
title: "" -> "Error displayed when switching to one Graph from two graphs"
description: "" -> "After integrating beeler_reuter_1977_version04, and creating 2 graphs, one V-vs-time, other x_in-vs-time, clicking on Single Graph button causes a java-script error dialogue to display. App however continues to run fine after that. Platform: Windows Vista Version: Snapshot: pcenv-installer-snap20070521 "

#43: Error displayed when switching to one Graph from two graphs

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Bug
Topic: UI
Importance: Medium
Status: Resolved
Assigned to:
Created by: randall
Created at: 2007-05-31
Deadline: 2007-05-31 12:34
Hours estimated: 0
Hours needed: 0
Percent done: 0
Name: Randall Britten
#4: 2007-06-06 12:35 (miller)
status: "pending" -> "resolved"
It seems to work for Randall so I have to assume that it is fixed.

#3: 2007-06-06 12:22 (miller)
It looks like a race condition where we are trying to paint the window too soon.
I have now added code to keep trying to paint the window every 500 ms until it
succeeds. It is difficult to verify that this fixes the problem due to
difficulties in reproducing this problem consistently (depends on machine speed
etc...), so I will get Randall to check on the exact same system before marking
this resolved.

#2: 2007-06-06 09:36 (randall)
Also in version: Snapshot: pcenv-installer-snap20070601

#1: 2007-05-31 12:37 (randall)
Uploaded file: pcenv_error_20070531a.png (Shows the dialogue.)
topic: "" -> "UI"
title: "" -> "Error displayed when switching to one Graph from two graphs"
description: "" -> "After integrating beeler_reuter_1977_version04, and creating 2 graphs, one V-vs-time, other x_in-vs-time, clicking on Single Graph button causes a java-script error dialogue to display. App however continues to run fine after that. Platform: Windows Vista Version: Snapshot: pcenv-installer-snap20070521 "