#26: Add some repository Statistics to the front page

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Feature
Topic: Model Repository
Importance: Medium
Status: Accepted
Assigned to: stevens
Created by: admin
Created at: 2006-03-09
Hours estimated:
Hours needed:
Percent done:
#3: 2006-03-17 12:21 (stevens)
Frontpage has total number of models.
Other stats defered until we have something to measure...

#2: 2006-03-09 13:33 (andre)
Useful stats:
Total number of models (unique total models different to total number of model
cellml files in the repository? i.e. 1.1 models that have multiple parts)
Number of models uploaded today/this week/this month/...
Number of models at each curation level
Number of models that work in each of the core applications we "support"
Number of valid models (do we have different levels of validity?)

#1: 2006-03-09 12:06 (stevens)
status: "pending" -> "accepted"
assignees: "[]" -> "['stevens']"
topic: "Website" -> "Model Repository"
title: "" -> "Add some repository Statistics to the front page"
classification: "Bug" -> "Feature"
description: "" -> "Useful to see at a glance how many models are in what state."

#26: Add some repository Statistics to the front page

View (Anonymous)
Classification: Feature
Topic: Model Repository
Importance: Medium
Status: Accepted
Assigned to: stevens
Created by: admin
Created at: 2006-03-09
Hours estimated:
Hours needed:
Percent done:
#3: 2006-03-17 12:21 (stevens)
Frontpage has total number of models.
Other stats defered until we have something to measure...

#2: 2006-03-09 13:33 (andre)
Useful stats:
Total number of models (unique total models different to total number of model
cellml files in the repository? i.e. 1.1 models that have multiple parts)
Number of models uploaded today/this week/this month/...
Number of models at each curation level
Number of models that work in each of the core applications we "support"
Number of valid models (do we have different levels of validity?)

#1: 2006-03-09 12:06 (stevens)
status: "pending" -> "accepted"
assignees: "[]" -> "['stevens']"
topic: "Website" -> "Model Repository"
title: "" -> "Add some repository Statistics to the front page"
classification: "Bug" -> "Feature"
description: "" -> "Useful to see at a glance how many models are in what state."