Improved quality of the models in the CellML model repository thanks to the curation team
Curating the models in the CellML model repository is an on going task. Thanks to the hard work of our summer students from the University of Auckland - Jeelean Lim, Mark Hanna, Ethan Cho and Tessa Paris -and our intern - Geoff Nunns from Johns Hopkins University - the number of curated models in the repository has significantly increased over the past 18 months.
Further, thanks to the efforts of Pulasthi Mithrarante, Peter Villiger, Linda Feng and Hanne Nielsen we now have a schematic image for nearly every model in the repository. Mark and Hanne have also been creating OpenCell session files for the curated models. Of the 154 electrophysiology models in the repository 71 have been fully curated and now have an associated OpenCell session file.
Together with the full time CellML model curators of the past (Penny Noble and James Lawson) and the present (Catherine Lloyd) this team of students has helped to rapidly improve the quality of the models in the repository and we are very grateful for their hard work.