PMR2 0.4 released - CellML Model Repository upgraded
The CellML Model Repository is now upgraded to the latest release of PMR2, v0.4. Please file any issues you may find with this release on the PMR2 0.4 tracker item.
Notable features include:
- Much code refactoring has been done to make PMR2 easier to extend.
In Workspaces:
- Customized renderer for various file types - images and other file types can now show up in-line in the standard file page. This is achieved using the plugin system, which also allows other specific file renderers to be added directly to the workspace, thus potentially saving the time and effort required to create an exposure to generate the same view if more such dynamic views are built.
- Ability to browse embedded workspaces from the standard file browsers more easily as they are now listed on top of every directory listing if they are present.
- Storage back-end generalized, allowing the possibility of support for other version control systems or specialized storage engines.
In Exposures:
- CellML Mathematics view improved - CellML 1.1 models now have all their maths rendered as the generation process now uses CellML API instead of XSLT for the extraction. Also, all modern browsers should be able to view the maths even without native MathML plugin/viewer as MathJAX is used for the client side display.