CellML Repository Upload Workflow (proposed)

Proposed workflow for the uploading of models into the new repository.

CellML Repository Upload Workflow

  • Based on what I know about the design for the new repository.

  • It's assumed that the models are tracked in a version tracking system (e.g. Subversion)

  1. User uploads model

  2. Model gets validated

    • if invalid models cannot be uploaded, and model is invalid, inform user of errors.

    • else model validates, go to 3

  1. User presented with metadata viewer/editor

  2. User verifys title and name

  3. User presented with a form to enter their name and description for cmeta:modification field.

  4. Done.

  • If the model is an update of previous model, a diff may be shown, or maybe some way to determine variant (branch)

  1. User will most likely have to add in some cmeta:modification information for the update