Plone Zope upgrading

install zope 2.8.2


create a zope instance

[stevens@bioeng3]2> sudo /opt/Zope-2.8.1/bin/
Please choose a directory in which you'd like to install
Zope "instance home" files such as database files, configuration
files, etc.

Directory: /internet/bioeng_test/physiome
Please choose a username and password for the initial user.
These will be the credentials you use to initially manage
your new Zope instance.

Username: stevens
Verify password:

On site to upgrade:

Uninistall cellmlSkin and physiomeSkin products

stop zope

take a copy of Data.fs

restart zope

put skins back


put the Data.fs in the var dir of the new zope instance

sudo chown -R zope.zope  var

sudo chown -R zope.zope  log

set the effective user in $instance/etc/zope.conf to zope, might want to turn on debugging here too

Populate the Products directory with matching products. For Zope 2.8 CMF must be >=1.5 which means plone must be >=2.1

seem to need to remove sudo rm -rf Products/FileSystemSite, must find out what this effects....

for testing, stop the site root redirecting to the live site. setenv SUPPRESS_SITEROOT "1"

start zope
