
A theory for controlling cell cycle dynamics using a reversibly binding inhibitor - Gardner, Dolnik and Collins - 1998

Original Model Status

The Gardner et al. 98 model makes use of the existing Gold Beter 91 model of cell division; the previous implementation of the Gardner 98 model on the CellML repository had utilized the parameter set of values from the Gold Beter 91 model (coded up by Catherine). Although valid to an extent, the results were not similar to those published in the Gardner et al. paper; and so the model was reviewed.

Work done on model:

Upon reviewing, it was decided to rewrite the model and start from the beginning. The following major changes were made:

  • Parameters in all simulations were normalized and therefore all concentrations were dimensionless and rate constants were set to dimensions of min-1
  • The variables vd, Kd, Vm1 and Vm3 (in the Gold Beter 91 model) were renamed to k1, K5, V1' and V3' respectively, as specified in the Gardner et al. Paper.
  • The existence of a variable Kd in the Gardner et al. 98 model, which is the ration of rate constants a1 and a2. It is imperative that this variable should not be confused with the variable of same notation Kd used in the Gold Beter 91 model.
  • Utilized the parameter set for the Gardner model that was used by BioModels; obtained results that were very similar to those published in the paper.

Apart from this, there were no other significant changes from the previous model which was available on the repository.

Curation Status:

Model curated, runs in PCEnv simulator, produces very similar results to those in the publication. Correct output now produced.

Further work required:

The coded model exhibits some slight differences and inaccuracies when compared to the published results. Ultimately it all comes down to one issue: the CellML model seems to oscillate more vigorously than the model described in the paper.

Although all effort has been made to correct the model for this one minor discrepancy, the source(s) of this discrepancy could not be located and rectified at this particular point in time; and it has been concluded that the model will be reviewed in due course to correct this.

Added by:Vignesh Kumar

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