
Na Channel Mutation That Causes Both Brugada Syndrome and Long-QT Syndrome Phenotypes: A Simulation Study of Mechanism - Clancy & Rudy 2002

Original Model Status:

Model contains Markov model of fast sodium current embedded in the LR94 dynamic model. Unfortunately the LR94 model contains a delay element representation of calcium induced calcium release (CICR) which can not yet be represented in CellML (as of version 1.1). The model is therefore underconstrained.

Work done on model:

Found XPP .ode file describing just the markov state model of the fast sodium channel. Coded this up and replaced the i_Na component in the original model. This didn't work. Realised the above.

Found a missing value for the variable I_NaK in the LR94 model and added it.

Added modification history entry and also a model status comment in the model metadata.

Curation Status:

Model is non-functional, due to the use of the LR94 model as a base.

Work required:

When the CellML specification allows for delay elements, fix LR94 and re-embed markov state model describing fast sodium channel.

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