Bertram2004_XPPAUT .ode file

This is the *.ode file for the Bertram et al. 2004 model: "Calcium and Glycolysis Mediate Multiple Bursting Modes in Pancreatic Islets", Biophysical Journal, vol. 87, pp. 3074-3087, 2004."

# BJ_04a.ode # # This XPPAUT file contains the program for a beta-cell model coupled # to glycolysis. # This was published by Bertram, Satin, Zhang, Smolen, and Sherman in # Biophysical Journal, vol. 87, pp. 3074-3087, 2004.

# Variables: # v -- voltage # n -- activation of delayed rectifier # c -- free cytosolic calcium concentration # adp -- cytosolic ADP concentration # cer -- concentration of free calcium in the endoplasmic reticulum # g6p -- glucose 6-phosphate concentration # fbp -- fructose 1,6-bisphosphate concentration

v(0)=-60 n(0)=0 c(0)=0.1 adp(0)=780 cer(0)=185 g6p(0)=200 fbp(0)=40

# Parameter vlaues for various behaviors: # # Compound bursting: rgk=0.2, gkatp=25000, gkca=600, kg=10 # Glycolytic bursting: rgk=0.2, gkatp=27000, gkca=100, kg=10 # Simple bursting: rgk=0.4, gkatp=25000, gkca=600, kg=10 # Subthreshold oscillations: rgk=0.2, gkatp=30000, gkca=100, kg=10 # Accordion bursting: rgk=0.2, gkatp=23000, gkca=600, kg=10

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Membrane and Ca components

# sigmav=cyt volume/ER volume num pleak=0.0002, sigmav=31 num kserca=0.4 num lambdaer=1, epser=1 num taun=20

# where minf = 1/(1+exp(-(20+v)/12)) ninf = 1/(1+exp(-(16+v)/5))

# conversion parameter for glycolytic subsystem num lambda=0.005

num vk=-75, vca=25 num gk=2700, cm=5300 num gca=1000 num kd=0.5

param gkca=600

# Ikca ikca = gkca/(1+(kd/c)^2)*(v-vk)

# Calcium Handling num alpha=4.50e-6, kpmca=0.2, fcyt=0.01, fer=0.01

# Ikatp par gkatpbar=25000

# ICa ica = gca*minf*(v-vca)

# Ik Ik = gk*n*(v-vk)

# Ca fluxes Jmem = -(alpha*Ica + kpmca*c)

Jserca = kserca*c Jleak = pleak*(cer - c) Jer = epser*(Jleak - Jserca)/lambdaer

# ----------------------------------------------------- # Glycolytic and Keizer-Magnus components

# Parameters # Rgk--glucokinase rate # atot--total adenine nucleotide concentration (micromolar) # k1--Kd for AMP binding # k2--Kd for FBP binding # k3--Kd for F6P binding # k4--Kd for ATP binding # famp,etc--Kd amplification factors for heterotropic binding # Rgpdh--glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase rate

# Glycolytic parameters par kg=10 par Rgk=0.2 num atot=3000 num k1=30, k2=1, k3=50000, k4=1000 num famp=0.02, fatp=20, ffbp=0.2, fbt=20, fmt=20, pfkbas=0.06 number cat=2 num katpase=0.0003

# Glycolytic expressions f6p = 0.3*g6p Rgpdh = 0.2*sqrt(fbp)

# Iterative calculation of PFK # alpha=1 -- AMP bound # beta=1 -- FBP bound # gamma=1 -- F6P bound # delta=1 -- ATP bound

# (alpha,beta,gamma,delta) # (0,0,0,0) weight1=1 topa1=0 bottom1=1

# (0,0,0,1) weight2=atp^2/k4 topa2=topa1 bottom2=bottom1+weight2

# (0,0,1,0) weight3=f6p^2/k3 topa3=topa2+weight3 bottom3=bottom2+weight3

# (0,0,1,1) weight4=(f6p*atp)^2/(fatp*k3*k4) topa4=topa3+weight4 bottom4=bottom3+weight4

# (0,1,0,0) weight5=fbp/k2 topa5=topa4 bottom5=bottom4+weight5

# (0,1,0,1) weight6=(fbp*atp^2)/(k2*k4*fbt) topa6=topa5 bottom6=bottom5+weight6

# (0,1,1,0) weight7=(fbp*f6p^2)/(k2*k3*ffbp) topa7=topa6+weight7 bottom7=bottom6+weight7

# (0,1,1,1) weight8=(fbp*f6p^2*atp^2)/(k2*k3*k4*ffbp*fbt*fatp) topa8=topa7+weight8 bottom8=bottom7+weight8

# (1,0,0,0) weight9=amp/k1 topa9=topa8 bottom9=bottom8+weight9

# (1,0,0,1) weight10=(amp*atp^2)/(k1*k4*fmt) topa10=topa9 bottom10=bottom9+weight10

# (1,0,1,0) weight11=(amp*f6p^2)/(k1*k3*famp) topa11=topa10+weight11 bottom11=bottom10+weight11

# (1,0,1,1) weight12=(amp*f6p^2*atp^2)/(k1*k3*k4*famp*fmt*fatp) topa12=topa11+weight12 bottom12=bottom11+weight12

# (1,1,0,0) weight13=(amp*fbp)/(k1*k2) topa13=topa12 bottom13=bottom12+weight13

# (1,1,0,1) weight14=(amp*fbp*atp^2)/(k1*k2*k4*fbt*fmt) topa14=topa13 bottom14=bottom13+weight14

# (1,1,1,0) -- the most active state of the enzyme weight15=(amp*fbp*f6p^2)/(k1*k2*k3*ffbp*famp) topa15=topa14 topb=weight15 bottom15=bottom14+weight15

# (1,1,1,1) weight16=(amp*fbp*f6p^2*atp^2)/(k1*k2*k3*k4*ffbp*famp*fbt*fmt*fatp) topa16=topa15+weight16 bottom16=bottom15+weight16

# Phosphofructokinase rate pfk=(pfkbas*cat*topa16 + cat*topb)/bottom16

# KATP channel num kdd=17, ktd=26, ktt=1 par r=1 num vg=2.2 num taua=300000, r1=0.35

# nucleotide concentrations rad = sqrt((adp-atot)^2-4*adp^2) atp = 0.5*(atot-adp+rad) amp = adp^2/atp ratio = atp/adp

% KATP channel open probability mgadp = 0.165*adp adp3m = 0.135*adp atp4m = 0.05*atp topo = 0.08*(1+2*mgadp/kdd) + 0.89*(mgadp/kdd)^2 bottomo = (1+mgadp/kdd)^2 * (1+adp3m/ktd+atp4m/ktt) katpo = topo/bottomo ikatp = gkatpbar*katpo*(v-vk)

# glycolytic feedback onto adp y = vg*(Rgpdh/(kg+Rgpdh)) fback = r+y

# Differential equations

v' = -(Ik + Ica + Ikca + Ikatp)/cm n' = (ninf-n)/taun c' = fcyt*(Jmem + Jer) adp' = (atp-adp*exp(fback*(1-c/r1)))/taua cer' = -fer*sigmav*Jer g6p' = lambda*(Rgk - pfk) fbp' = lambda*(pfk - 0.5*Rgpdh)

@ meth=cvode, toler=1.0e-10, atoler=1.0e-10, dt=20.0, total=300000, @ maxstor=20000,bounds=10000000, xp=tmin, yp=v @ xlo=0, xhi=5, ylo=-70, yhi=-10

aux tsec=t/1000 aux tmin=t/60000 aux RGPDH=Rgpdh aux Atp=atp/1000 aux ratio=atp/adp
