
This directory contains some standard experimental protocols that I frequently use. They are all designed to be imported into specific experiment models, which should set the appropriate protocol parameters.

Currently I only use electrical stimuli protocols, but I'd imagine other current, voltage, and length protocols being useful. Possibly also some applied force and specie specific concentration changes also.

The basic single pulse stimulus current, defines an interface which requires the stimulus time, duration, and magnitude to be set as well as needing time and Am to be passed in. Imports ../models/common/units.xml to define required units.
Basic periodic stimulus, defines an interface which requires the stimulus period, duration, and magnitude to be set as well as needing time and Am (to convert from volume to area currents) to be passed in. There is no assumption that the period, duration, and magnitude are constant through time. This model imports ../models/common/units.xml to define required units.
Slightly more complicated S1-S2 restitution protocol. Imports ../models/common/units.xml to define required units, periodic-IStim.xml to define the initial train of S1 stimuli, and single-pulse-IStim.xml to define the single S2 stimuli.