
This is my primary repository of published models. These are versions of the models which I have either written from scratch or taken from the model repository (long ago) and corrected. These are a mix of CellML 1.0 and 1.1 models.

Most of these are essentially CellML 1.0 models. In some cases I have reworked them slightly into CellML 1.1 models to allow reuse with slightly different boundary conditions.

Here is where I put model's that are useful across all other models.
My implementation of the classical Hodgkin-Huxley model in a single, self contained CellML 1.0 XML file. Defines it's own periodic stimulus current and contains simulation and graphing metadata to produce some nice graphs (not sure how out-dated the simulation and graphing metadata is).
My implementation of the classical 1962 Noble cardiac model. Originally a CellML 1.0 model, I have added an interface which lets me import it and turn its self-pacing on and off.
My original implementation of the 2004 ten Tusscher et al human ventricular cell model.
A modified version of my original ten Tusscher et al model, with changes to make it more friendly toward reuse with modifications.