current models

This is a simple description of my own current local "repository" consisting of a mix of CellML 1.0 and 1.1 model. Just trying a wiki system as one way to look at this - might end up being more useful to present more detail at each level?

So, basically my repository consists of XML files under subversion revision management. The main reason I use subversion is simply so I can easily keep my models in sync across the various machines I work on. It also provides a convenient way to keep remote backups, and if I really mess up I can go back to previous versions. In all my work I am using the current checked out versions of the models and as a single user I control when and if interfaces withing each model change. I imagine that if I get around to publishing any more papers I'd tag the versions of all the models I used in the paper so I can go back to them if required, but hopefully they'll be in a real repository by then.

In all the following I talk about XML files stored on the local file system.

I have three main top-level directories:

This is my primary repository of published models. These are versions of the models which I have either written from scratch or taken from the model repository (long ago) and corrected. These are a mix of CellML 1.0 and 1.1 models.
This directory contains some standard experimental protocols that I frequently use. They are all designed to be imported into specific experiment models, which should set the appropriate protocol parameters.
Here is where I keep the papers I am working on - i.e., the new models I am developing. The actual location doesn't matter, although if the relative location between this and the cellml directory changes I need to update all the imports.