
Specific experiments using either components or entire models. All models import ../../common/units.xml to define the required units.

Ca clamp experiment examining the behaviour of the L-type Ca current gating variables. This reproduces the data for comparison to Fig 2(c) of the original TNNP article. This model imports the Ca-dependent gating variable component from ../components/ICaL.xml and defines a Ca clamp protocol to be applied to the gating variable. Outdated simulation metadata is also defined to specify the range of Ca values over which the gating variable is simulated.
As above but examining the response of the voltage dependent gating variables. Reproduces data for comparison to Fig 2(a,b,d,e) of original TNNP article. Imports the voltage dependent gating variable components from ../components/ICaL.xml.
As above but for the IKr gating variables. Reproduces the data for comparison to Fig 6 of the original TNNP article. Imports the IKr gating variable components from ../components/IKr.xml.
As above but for IKs gating variable. Reproduces data for comparison to Fig 5 of original TNNP article. Imports IKs gating variable from ../components/IKs.xml.
As above but for INa gating variables. Reproduces data for comparison to Fig 1 (a-e) of original TNNP article. Imports gating variable components from ../components/INa.xml.
As above but for the endocardial variant of the Ito current gating variables. Reproduces data for comparison to Fig 3 of original TNNP article. Imports endocardial gating variables from ../components/Ito-components.xml.
As above but for the epicardial (and mid-myocardial) variant of the Ito current gating variables. Reproduces data for comparison to Fig 3 of the original TNNP article. Imports epicardial gating variables from ../components/Ito-components.xml.
Applies a single pulse electrical stimulus to the endocardial variant of the TNNP model. Imports ../2004_tenTusscher_noble_noble_panfilov-endo.xml to define the complete TNNP (endo) mathematical model, ../../../protocols/single-pulse-IStim.xml to define the single pulse electrical stimulus protocol, and ../variable_values.xml to define the default parameters and initial conditions. This model connects all the variable values to the imported model, defines the time variable for use by the model and the stimulus protocol. The g_to parameter is defined locally rather than using the default value (which corresponds to the epicardial variant of the model).
As above but for the epicardial variant. In this case all the default parameter values are used.
As above but for the mid-myocardial variant of the model. For this variant, all default parameters are used except for g_Ks which is set locally.
As for single stimulus experiment above but importing ../../../protocols/periodic-IStim.xml to define and apply a periodic stimulus.
As for single stimulus experiment above but importing ../../../protocols/periodic-IStim.xml to define and apply a periodic stimulus.
As for single stimulus experiment above but importing ../../../protocols/periodic-IStim.xml to define and apply a periodic stimulus.
Imports ../2004_tenTusscher_noble_noble_panfilov-epi.xml and ../../../protocols/periodic-IStim.xml and applies a periodic stimulus to the epicardial variant of the TNNP model. The period of the stimulus changes over time. This reproduces data for comparison to Fig 9 of the original TNNP article.