
My original implementation of the 2004 ten Tusscher et al human ventricular cell model (TNNP).

All the individual components of the model.
Specific experiments using either components or entire models.
The endocardial variant of the TNNP model. Here I import all the components and define the connections between them all. A single interface component is defined which allows the model to be imported into specific experiments where boundary conditions can be applied. Imports ../common/units.xml to define required units and imports ../common/reversal_potential.xml three times for the reversal potential of Na, K, and Ca (one ion) and once for the IKs reversal potential (two ions). Also imports components/*.xml for all the required components for the endocardial variant.
Same as above, but for epicardial variant.
Same as above, but for mid-myocardial variant.
Defines the default parameter and initial conditions for the TNNP model. Imports ../common/units.xml to define the required units.