
My implementation of the classical 1962 Noble cardiac model. Originally a CellML 1.0 model, I have added an interface which lets me import it and turn its self-pacing on and off.

The main body of the 1962 Noble model wrapped by an interface component which provides the way to control certain boundary conditions.
Imports ../1962_noble.xml and sets the boundary conditions required to allow the model to act as a pacemaker. Imports required units from ../../common/units.xml. Defines the some simulation metadata to run the model for a few cycles.
Imports ../1962_noble.xml and sets the boundary conditions required to pace the model using a periodic stimulus. Defines the periodic stimulus by importing ../../../protocols/periodic-IStim.xml and setting the stimulus parameters. Imports required units from ../../common/units.xml. Defines the some simulation metadata to run the model for a few cycles.